Seams (Falling Apart)
Themed Portfolio Exchange organized by Zach Bath and Kath Yarkosky
What are the threads of commonality that compose the fabric of our society? And where do we experience these connections unraveling? Artists are invited to investigate the ties that bind us and the differences that tear us apart. Historically, print as a medium has shared an integral relationship to the dissemination of subversive and critical imagery. In the contemporary domain, printmaking offers a versatile mechanism of expression and resistance for those seeking to scrutinize and translate the flux of our world.
Seams (Falling Apart) is a portfolio exchange connecting 30 advanced undergraduate and graduate printmaking students, and participating faculty representing Northern Illinois University, Ohio University, and the University of Iowa to engage in critical self awareness, technical innovation, and passion for process to reflect upon an era of political divisiveness and social upheaval. From universal truths to deep seated anxieties, we ask our participants to interpret their contribution to the portfolio as an outlet, or perhaps even an outcry, for discourse.
Our intent is to combine voices, ruminate, consolidate, and create a portfolio open to traditional and contemporary printmaking techniques. Topics may range from the controversial to the mundane, and from individual reactions to cultural perspectives. This is an opportunity to facilitate revolutionary, uninhibited, visual dialogue as we respond to our perceptions of this unraveling tapestry of today.
About the organizers
Zach Bath is a graduate student at Northern Illinois University, in his third year of the MFA
Printmaking program. Originally from Wyoming, Zach grew up exploring the high deserts and pine
forests of the Wind River Range with his family.
Vanessa Jo Bahr, Michael Barnes, Zach Bath, Wes Beeler, Sasha Bitzer, Tom Christison, Juan Correa, Zoe Couvillion, Christin Fanelli, Belle-Pilar Fleming, Connor Furr, Karla Hackenmiller, Melissa Haviland, Will Kurucz, Mariceliz Pagan, Heather Parrish, Nick Phan, YAZZIEWONPHON, Hattie Phillips, Sixing Qi, Mei Lam So, Drew Svoboda, Jackson Taylor, Art Werger, Kath Yarkosky
9am-6pm Thursday-Saturday
9am-12pm Sunday
1:30-3:30pm Thursday October 13
Painting Critique Area
Center for Visual Arts 1st floor
Kent State University
Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly recommended at this location.