Uplift: A Celebration of Changemakers
Themed Portfolio Exchange organized by Karla Hackenmiller
Marty Azebedo, “Si Se Puede”, lithography, 16.25x12”, 2022
This collection of prints seeks to celebrate those who have, through their insights and actions, made a positive impact on their local/regional community. Participants were asked to select an individual or collective who they view as a “changemaker”- those who have performed creative, innovative actions to advance and improve the wellness of their community. Artworks made for this portfolio highlight the accomplishments of those individuals or collectives.
About the organizer
Karla Hackenmiller is a Professor of Printmaking at Ohio University in Athens, where she has both taught and served in various administrative positions since 2003. She is an experienced exchange organizer and looks forward to working with artists invested in using printed artwork for positive change.
Martin Azebedo, Mary Claire Becker, Justin Diggle, Jacq Garcia, Karla Hackenmiller, Dusty Herbig, Michael Miller, Bryan Ritchie, Donald VanAuken
10am-5pm Monday-Friday
5-6:30pm Thursday October 13
Folk Hall
University of Akron
Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly recommended at this location.