What’s so Funny?
Themed Portfolio Exchange organized by Morgan Price
As a strategy to highlight the ridiculous, humble the powerful, or even to retain identity and spirit in the face of injustice and persecution, humor has long been connected to resistance and revolution. With its links to dissemination and accessibility, printmaking was frequently the media of choice for producing works of satire and social critique. The prints of such artists as Daumier and Hogarth are still admired for their wit and poignancy, while contemporary artists like Enrique Chagoya and Juane Quick-to-See Smith continue use humorous elements to address current issues. “What’s so funny?” is an exchange portfolio seeking to bring together a range of artists who, whether exploring the personal or the political, utilize elements of humor to address socially relevant topics.
About the organizer
Morgan Price is an Associate Professor of Art at Illinois State University and a
collaborative printer at Normal Editions Workshop. He received his BFA from the
University of Denver and his MFA in Printmaking from Wichita State University. His
work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with recent solo exhibitions
in Wyoming, Alabama, Illinois, and Ohio. Working with Normal Editions he has
collaborated with a number of different artists on professional printing projects. He
lives with is wife and adorable dog in central Illinois and, when not teaching or
printing, can typically be found riding his bicycle, thrift shopping, or gloating over
his extensive collection of vintage shirts.
Aubergine Bufalini-Lastrada, Candice Corgan, LJ Douglas, Henry Gepfer and Sebastian Burke, Jamie-Lee Girodat, Karla Hackenmiller, Emily Harter, Trishelle Jeffery, Joshua Kolbo, Joseph Lupo, Jonathan McFadden, Edie Overturf, Gail D. Panske, Sage Perrott, Morgan Price, Jolynn Reigeluth, Blake Sanders, Helen Suh, Tori Tasch, Tres Gatos Press, Eric Wilson
9am-6pm Thursday-Saturday
9am-12pm Sunday
1:30-3:30pm Thursday October 13
Elmer Novotny Critique Area
Center for Visual Arts 1st floor
Kent State University
Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly recommended at this location.