
Exhibition of artworks by Hui-Chu Ying

Artist statement

The best part of being an artist is that it allows one to discover, examine and respond  to life experiences.  We live our lives energetically, charged by different sources and directions. We enjoy our lives and take them for granted until the day they are interrupted by the illness, disability or death of loved ones.  Naturally, we learn how to become healed so as to continue with our own lives. It is an amazing thing that everyone has the power to show compassion, to nurture and to embrace one another, to cope with the loss of loved ones, and make it through life. A series of prints are part of payer’s series project inspired by Chinese i-ching. Life cycle is changing constantily, followed by universe’s energy from earth, fire, wood, matel, water, and air. We have to balance with hope and resilience. The healing process has been an overwhelming experience, and it has given artist a chance to reevaluate her life and her creative direction. Art is best therapy for everyone.

About the artist

Hui-Chu Ying, Retired Professor of printmaking at The Myers School of Art, University of Akron, Oh, United States of America. Ms. Ying received BA from San Jose State University, MFA from West Texas A&M University, She has been exhibited nationally and internationally, included Akron Art Museum, Frans Masereel Centrum; Belgium, Nelimarkka Art Museum; Finland, Foundation Pilar I Joan Miro, Spain, Foundation Valparaiso; Spain, Shoaheaven City Art Center; Australia.


Kent State Hotel & Conference Center

Main lobby


7am-10pm Thursday-Saturday

7am-11am Sunday