Friday October 14

Kent State University

Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly recommended at this location.

Transportation: 8am-5pm bus cycling from Holiday Inn Express Kent to Kent State Hotel and Conference Center to the Center for Visual Arts (CVA).

Parking is available in lot R-19 behind the CVA for those who purchased a KSU campus parking pass.

8am-9am Coffee and light breakfast

CVA Main Lobby

8am-4pm Registration, check-in & Members Exchange Portfolio drop off

CVA Main Lobby

8am-5pm Vendor Fair open

CVA suite 161/163

8am-5pm Quiet room with seating available

CVA room 155 - Alumni Visual Resource Center

8am-5pm Lactation Room available (private, locking)

CVA room 240

8am-8pm On view: Experiencing Veterans & Artists Collaboration (EVAC) organized by Joseph Van Kerkhove

Michener gallery at Kent State University Main Library 3rd Floor

9am-10am Keynote Speaker Claudia E. Zapata

Cartwright Hall Auditorium

10:15-11am Open Portfolio Session 1

CVA Main Lobby, CVA suite 140, CVA suite 145/147, and throughout CVA hallways

11:15am-12pm Open Portfolio Session 2

CVA Main Lobby, CVA suite 140, CVA suite 145/147, and throughout CVA hallways

12:15-1pm Open Portfolio Session 3

CVA Main Lobby, CVA suite 140, CVA suite 145/147, and throughout CVA hallways

1-2pm Lunch

On own or pre-paid box lunches delivered to CVA room 140

2-3:30pm Demonstrations/Projects in or near the CVA

  • I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN…a live zine portfolio dedicated to building the revolution organized by Edie Overturf and Sage Perrott

    Participants: April Felipe, Katie Garth, Roger Ourthiague Jr., Kathryn Polk, Fiona Avocado, Amze Emmons, Stephanie Alaniz, Christina Kang

    CVA room 316 (Print Media & Photography Studios)

  • Dye Monoprints organized by Margot Stroop

    CVA room 176 (Textiles studios)

  • The Human Copy Machine organized by Lya Finston

    Participants: Mary Climes, Vic Barquin, Henry Gepfer, Jacob Gibson, Jaquelee Chau, Charlie Bloede, K. MacNeil, Johanna Winters

    CVA room 232

  • Letterpress with Amos Kennedy facilitated by Bob Kelemen

    Taylor Hall room 461 (Type High Press)

2-3:30pm Panels in the CVA

2-3pm MAPC Officer Board Meeting (MAPC Officers Only)

CVA room 242

3-4pm Coffee break sponsored by McClain’s Printmaking Supplies

CVA Main Lobby

3:45-5:15pm Demonstrations/Projects in or near the CVA

  • The Human Copy Machine organized by Lya Finston

    Participants: Mary Climes, Vic Barquin, Henry Gepfer, Jacob Gibson, Jaquelee Chau, Charlie Bloede, K. MacNeil, Johanna Winters

    CVA room 232

  • Letterpress with Amos Kennedy facilitated by Bob Kelemen

    Taylor Hall room 461 (Type High Press)

3:45-5:15pm Panels, CVA

5-8pm KSU Campus & Downtown Gallery Walk

Transportation: 5pm-7:30pm bus cycling between CVA, KSU Museum, Kent State Hotel and Conference Center, and Holiday Inn Express Kent

  • 5pm-7pm Reception for exhibition Make Ready for the Revolution co-curated by Susanna Harris and Bob Kelemen

    Taylor Hall Gallery at Taylor Hall 2nd floor

  • 5pm-7pm Reception for Curlee Raven Holton, Master Printmaker

    Uumbaji Gallery at Oscar Ritchie Hall ground floor

  • 5pm-7pm Reception for The Print Club of Cleveland: Selected Presentation Prints

    Kent State University Museum at Rockwell Hall ground floor

  • 5pm-7pm On view: XCD: Excquisite Corpse Drawing, solo exhibition by Thom Mayne

    Armstrong Gallery at The John Elliot Center for Architecture and Environmental Design ground floor

  • 5pm-7:30pm Reception for Post-script, 2-person exhibition by Noah Breuer and Golnar Adili

    Downtown Gallery - 141 E. Main St., Kent

  • 6pm-8pm On View: Equilibrium, solo exhibition by Hui-Chu Ying

    Kent State Hotel & Conference Center Lobby

    Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are optional at this location.

  • 6-8pm Reception for Mixed Grit, portfolio organized by Gregory Santos

    Troppus Projects - 141 S. Water St., Kent

    Wearing face coverings and being up-to-date on Covid-19 vaccinations are optional at this location.

Transportation: Bus final departure from CVA at 7pm, KSU Museum at 7:15pm, and Kent State Hotel and Conference Center at 8pm for drop off at Holiday Inn Express Kent